Court of Protection disputes

Sadly, it is sometimes the case that there are disputes amongst family members about:

These can be difficult and daunting to deal with.

There may also be times when people, their family members or care givers disagree about what is in a person’s best interests. There may be disagreements about matters such as:

When these disagreements arise our experience enables us to judge whether it is possible to resolve them informally, for instance by providing advice and support at best interests planning and other meetings or whether it is necessary to apply to the Court of Protection for a ruling.

Our emphasis is on providing reasonable and effective representation and resolving disputes as quickly and as amicably as possible. We always try to resolve a dispute without the need for a hearing but where the Court’s involvement is necessary we will deal with proceedings constructively and efficiently. 

We act for:

Sometimes the Hugh Jones Trust Corporation is appointed deputy to replace a deputy whose actions are under investigation.

Please contact us on 0161 871 3680 or email Head of the Court of Protection team, Chris Gallagher for a free initial discussion with a specialist in our team